Contents of the Diesel Bug Test Kit
- GNAT MX2 Dipslide Incubator (2 dipslide capacity)
- 10 DBTM2 Dipslides (1 box).
About the Diesel Bug Test Kit
The DBBTM2 Diesel Bug dipslides will help you to monitor diesel / fuel for the presence of microbes. These dipslides test for total count bacteria on one side and yeasts and moulds on the other side.
Using these dipslides offers an easy and effective way to check for fuel contamination (with no training required). The bacterial colonies will grow as red dots making them easy to count.
A colour chart will be included with the dipslides to help the user assess results.
The GNAT MX2 incubator is a 2 dipslide capacity incubator and is ideal for small scale applications.
Just dip the diesel bug dipslide in the sample, incubate for the recommended time and compare results with the chart provided.
Why is it important to test for diesel bug?
When fuel becomes contaminated with microbes, sludge like deposits can become present which contribute to corrosion and damage to engines and other mechanical parts such as fuel pumps.
If allowed to build up, diesel bug microbes can even be responsible for total engine failure.
How to use the Diesel Bug Test Kit
Pull the DBBTM2 test from the sterile tube making sure to the agar does not make contact with your hands (to avoid contamination).
Obtain a sample of your fuel and dip the test into the fuel for 10 seconds. Then remove the dipslide, allow a few seconds for any excess fluid to drip off then replace it back into its clear tube.
Apply a label to the tube (optional) then place the slide into an incubator to start incubation. Bacterial growth will show up between 24-48 hours.
Count the amount of colonies that have grown on the slide and use the comparison chart provided to interpret the results
Reading the Diesel Bug Test results
To work out the levels of contamination, simply compare your results to the charts below.
Customer Questions
Why do I need an incubator? I've seen other kits online without them and wondered why yours includes one? Can I not just use an airing cupboard? Also, why is one side of your test brown and not pink in colour like some others?
All dipslides require incubation. Some companies will state that that you can place dipslides into an airing cupboard or other warm space to initiate the incubation but this would not provide accurate results. Bacteria requires a very specific and stable temperature to grow. In brief, the majority of diesel bug tests use a paddle (aka dipslide) that has a coating of an agar on both sides. This agar is what the bacteria consumes. If you do not provide the bacteria with a stable temperature 30 Degrees C, the bacteria can become stressed and die before it has chance to grow. This then can lead you to have a result showing little or no bacterial growth when in fact there is bacteria present, it simply could not survive outside the fuel as the temperature was incorrect. Our kit includes an incubator which provides a constant stable 30 degrees C so the bacteria, yeasts and moulds can grow unhindered allowing you to attain a clear and accurate idea of your contamination level.
Regarding the pink colour, this will be because the other tests you have seen are using a Rose Bengal agar to test for yeasts and moulds. We do not recommend this as the Rose Bengal agar contains an antibiotic to inhibit bacterial growth. As such, if you dip the test into fluid, it is possible to transfer this antibiotic onto the other side of the test and inhibit some bacteria growth. This in turn can cause inaccurate results.